Bandaa review by Sonup – Terrific and engaging

By: Sonup

Terrific, outstanding and exceptional. That is what Sirf Ek Bandaa Kaafi Hai is. It is a very well written, very well directed and extremely well acted film. The movie is based on true events and revolves around the physical violation of a young girl by a Baba and the subsequent legal trial that followed. The film astutely shows the legal arguments forwarded by lawyers of both the victim and Baba. Manoj Bajpayee playing the role of advocate PC Solanki expertly dismantles the arguments raised by the top defence lawyers to secure justice for the girl. The best scene in the film is the climax where a charged Manoj Bajpayee delivers one of his finest ever performances as part of his closing speech. I would say Drop everything and watch this movie right now which is streaming on Zee5.

4.5 Stars