In conversation with the bold and beautiful Ishit Yamini
Ishit Yamini was part of brave photoshoot title Bare 2.0 which was aimes at promoting body positivity. We spoke to this beautiful model to know more.
This is such a beautiful body positive shoot. Sends out a very strong message. How did you view it when you were first approached for this shoot?
I have seen Rosh’s work before and I totally adore her as a photographer as well as the beautiful woman she is- inside out. This is Bare 2.0, when I saw the first series of Bare last year I so wanted to be a part of that. So when I got to know that she’s doing it again this year I just decided to go for it. Living a body-positive life means embracing principles of acceptance regardless of size. That goes for your own body, and everyone else’s too.
How did you prepare for the shoot?
There was no preparation at all. It was more like chilling with beautiful women on a Sunday evening and sharing stories.
As a woman, have you ever faced bodyshaming and how did you over come it?
I have always been called too skinny. People don’t really consider skinny shaming as body shaming. “You’re so thin! Why don’t you eat something?” This is definitely not considered rude. Infact, it’s a compliment, right? “You’re so huge! Stop eating so much.” Now that’s downright rude. Isn’t it?
society forgot to take into consideration the fact that every woman has a differently shaped body. No two people can ever look the same, let alone measure the same. We are humans, not clones. Unless done for health purposes, one should not have to gain or lose just to look a certain way or appease people around them. It might seem like being thin can never be a problem, but that’s definitely not the case. Your thin body type makes people believe that it’s okay for them to make jokes and openly discuss your body issues. “Don’t you eat anything?”, “Don’t you get food at home?”, “Why do you look sick? Maybe you should see a doctor”. These aren’t very pleasant things to hear either. People are skinny, curvy, tall, short, petite or large and that’s the reality.No matter what size you are, as long as you’re healthy, you ought to embrace the shape of your body.
You are at complete ease with your body today. How have you developed such great comfort when it comes to shooting nudes?
I am still not fully comfortable in shooting nudes. I shot this series because I so strongly feel about this. And I feel people should see this as art and just normal bodies, and not in any sexual way.